NORDic DS module
NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions module
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.baseline(signatures, phenotype, is_binary=False)
Compute the cosine scores between a set of signatures S and a differential phenotype P
- SPandas DataFrame
signatures rows/[genes] x columns/[drug names] [Treated || Control]
- PPandas DataFrame
differential phenotype rows/[genes] x column/[disease name] [Diseased || Healthy]
- is_binaryPython bool
[default=False] : if set to True, the signatures and phenotypes might be binary (that is, with values in {0,1})
- scoresPython float dictionary
dictionary (keys=drug names, values=scores), the higher the score, the higher the repurposing power
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.compute_frontier(df, samples, nbseed=0, quiet=False)
Fit a model to classify control/treated phenotypes
- dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x columns/[samples] (either 1: active expression, -1: inactive expression, 0: undetermined expression)
- samplesPandas DataFrame
rows/[“annotation”] x columns/[samples ], values are 1 (healthy sample) or 2 (patient sample).
- nbseedPython integer
[default=0] : random seed
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- modelPython object
object with a function “predict” that returns predictions (1: control, or 2: treated) on phenotypes
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.compute_metrics(rewards, ground_truth, K=[2, 5, 10], use_negative_class=False, nperms=10000, thres=0.0, beta=1.0)
Compute AUC, Hit Ratio @ k of method for positive/negative class with p-value
- rewardsPython float list
predicted scores
- ground_truthPython float list
ground truth scores
- KPython integer list
[default=[2,5,10]] : ranks at which the hit ratio should be computed
- use_negative_classPython bool
[default=False] : if set to True, compute the performance with respect to the negative class instead of the positive class
- npermsPython integer
[default=10000] : number of permutations to perform
- thresPython float
[default=0.] : decision threshold to determine the positive (resp. negative) class
- betaPython float
[default=1.] : value of the coefficient in the F-measure
- res_diPython dictionary
(keys=metrics, values=values of the metrics)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.compute_score(f, x0, A, score, genes, nb_sims, experiments, repeat=1, exp_name='', quiet=False)
Compute similarities between any attractor in WT and in mutants, weighted by their probabilities
- fBoolean Network (MPBN) object
the mutated network
- x0MPBN object
initial state
- AAttractor list
list of attractors in mutant network
- scorePython object
scoring of attractors
- genesPython character string list
list of genes in the model frontier
- nb_simsPython integer
number of iterations to compute the probabilities
- experimentsPython dictionary list
list of experiments (different rates/depths)
- repeatPython integer
[default=1] : how many times should these experiments be repeated
- exp_namePython character string
[default=””] : printable for an experiment
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- scorePython float
change in attractors induced by the mutation
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.empirical_pvalue(sorted_rewards, sorted_ground_truth, nperms, method='ks_2samp')
Compute an empirical p-value corresponding to testing whether the distributions in the predicted scores and the ground truth are similar by randomly permuting the values of the predictions and averaging the number of significant statistics across all permutations
- sorted_rewardsPython float list
predicted scores sorted by genes of increasing predicted value
- sorted_ground_truthPython float list
ground truth scores sorted by genes of increasing predicted value
- npermsPython integer
number of permutations to perform
- methodPython character string
[default=”ks_2samp”] : statistical test to perform at each permutation (should belong to scipy.stats)
- pvaluePython float
empirical p-value corresponding to the test across all @nperms permutations
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.simulate(network_fname, targets, patients, score, simu_params={}, nbseed=0, quiet=False)
Simulate and score the individual effects of drugs on patient phenotypes, compared to controls
- network_fnamePython character string
(relative) path to a network .BNET file
- targetsPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x columns/[drugs to test] (either 1: active expression, -1: inactive expression, 0: undetermined expression)
- patientsPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x columns/[samples] (either 1: activatory, -1: inhibitory, 0: no regulation).
- scorePython object
scoring of attractors
- simu_paramsPython dictionary
[default={}] : arguments to MPBN-SIM
- nbseedPython integer
[default=0] : random seed
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- scoresPandas DataFrame
rows/[patient phenotypes] x columns/[drug names], values are the associated scores
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.functions.simulate_treatment(network_name, targets, score, state, simu_params={}, quiet=False)
Compute the score assigned to a drug with targets in @targets[[drug]] in network
- network_namePython character string
filename of the network in .bnet (needs to be pickable)
- targetsPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x columns/[columns]
- scorePython object
scoring of attractors
- statePandas DataFrame
binary patient initial state rows/[genes] x columns/[values in {-1,0,1}]
- simu_paramsPython dictionary
[default={}] : arguments to MPBN-SIM
- seednbPython integer
[default=0] : random seed
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- effectsPython float dictionary
distance from attractors from treated networks to control profiles
NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_signatures module
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_signatures.compute_drug_signatures_L1000(pubchem_cids, lincs_args, binarize=True, gene_list=None, chunksize=10)
Get drug signatures from LINCS L1000
- pubchem_cidsPython integer list
list of drug PubChem CIDs
- lincs_argsPython dictionary
additional arguments for LINCS L1000 requests
- binarizePython bool
[default=True] : should the resulting signatures be binarized?
- sigsPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x columns/[drug names]
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_signatures.drugname2pubchem(drug_names, lincs_args)
Convert drug names into PubChem CIDs
- drug_namesPython character string list
list of drug names
- lincs_argsPython dictionary
additional arguments for LINCS L1000 requests
- pubchem_cidsPython dictionary
(keys=drug names, values=PubChem CIDs)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_signatures.get_ranking(CD)
Retrieve ranking (50 first drugs) from L1000 CDS^2 search engine
- CDPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x column/[value] differential phenotype
- resulsPandas DataFrame
rows/[drug names] x column/[“L1000 CDS2”] ranking of the drugs according to their ability to reverse the phenotype
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_signatures.pubchem2drugname(pubchem_cids, lincs_args)
Convert drug names into PubChem CIDs
- pubchem_cidsPython integer list
list of drug PubChem CIDs
- lincs_argsPython dictionary
additional arguments for LINCS L1000 requests
- pert_inamesPython dictionary
(keys=PubChem CIDs, values=drug names)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_signatures.retrieve_drug_signature(pubchem_cid, cell_ids, gene_list, lincs_args, binarize, quiet=False)
Retrieve control & treated samples from LINCS L1000 and compute the corresponding drug signature
- pubchem_cidPython integer
drug PubChem CID
- cell_idsPython character string list
list of candidate cell lines in LINCS L1000
- gene_listPython integer list
list of EntrezID genes
- lincs_argsPython dictionary
additional arguments for LINCS L1000 requests
- binarizePython bool
should the resulting signatures be binarized?
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- sigPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x column/[drug PubChem]
NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets module
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets.get_targets_DrugBank(drug_names, path_to_drugbank, drug_fname, target_fname, quiet=False)
Utility function which gets drug targets from a local DrugBank database
- drug_namesPython character string list
list of common drug names
- path_to_drugbankPython character string
(relative) path to DrugBank files
- drug_fnamePython character string
file name of .XML file of the complete database (full_database.xml) in DrugBank
- target_fnamePython character string
file name of .CSV file of the protein targets (all.csv) in DrugBank
- quietPython bool
prints out verbose (default=False)
- target_dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[lists of HGNC symbols of targets] x columns/[drug names], values are “*” (known regulator) or “” (no known regulation)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets.get_targets_DrugCentral(drug_names, quiet=False)
Utility function to retrieve drug targets from the DrugCentral 2021
- drug_namePython character string list
list of common drug names
- quietPython bool
prints out verbose (default=False)
- target_dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[lists of HGNC symbols of targets] x columns/[drug names], values are “*” (known regulator) or “” (no known regulation)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets.get_targets_LINCS(drug_names, path_to_lincs, credentials, selection=None, nsigs=None, quiet=False)
Utility function to retrieve drug targets from the LINCS L1000 database
- drug_namesPython character string list
list of common drug names
- path_to_lincsPython character string
(relative) path to LINCS files
- credentialsPython character string
(relative) path to LINCS credentials file
- quietPython bool
prints out verbose (default=False)
- target_dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[lists of HGNC symbols of targets] x columns/[drug names], values are “*” (known regulator) or “” (no known regulation)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets.get_targets_MINERVA(drug_names, quiet=False)
Utility function using httr:GET to send queries to a given MINERVA Platform instance
- drug_namesPython character string list
list of common drug names
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- target_dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[lists of HGNC symbols of targets] x columns/[drug names], values are “*” (known regulator) or “” (no known regulation)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets.get_targets_TTD(drug_names, quiet=False)
Utility function to retrieve drug targets from the Therapeutic Target Database (TTD)
- drug_namePython character string list
list of common drug names
- quietPython bool
prints out verbose (default=False)
- target_dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[lists of HGNC symbols of targets] x columns/[drug names], values are “-” (inhibitor) or “+” (activator) or “” (no known regulation)
- NORDic.NORDic_DS.get_drug_targets.retrieve_drug_targets(file_folder, drug_names, TARGET_args={}, gene_list=[], sources=['DrugBank', 'MINERVA', 'LINCS', 'TTD', 'DrugCentral'], quiet=False)
Retrieve drug targets from several online sources
- drug_namesPython character string list
list of common drug names
- TARGET_argsPython dictionary
[default={}] : see for each source
- gene_listPython character string list
[default=[]] : list of HGNC symbols
- sourcesPython character string list
[default=[“DrugBank”,”MINERVA”,”LINCS”,”TTD”,”DrugCentral”]] : list of source names (in [“DrugBank”,”MINERVA”,”LINCS”,”TTD”,”DrugCentral”])
- quietPython bool
[default=False] : prints out verbose
- targets_dfPandas DataFrame
rows/[genes] x columns/[drug names], values are the number of times a target is connected to a drug across all queried databases