Welcome to NORDic’s documentation!

Being able to build in an automated and reproducible way a model of gene interactions and their influences on gene activity will allow to consider more complex diseases and biological phenomena, on a larger set of genes. These models might speed up the understanding of the gene regulation hierarchy by bioinformaticians and biologists, allow to predict novel drugs or gene targets which might be investigated later for healthcare purposes. In particular, the network-oriented approach allow to predict off-targets, which are non-specific drug targets which might lead to otherwise unexpected toxic side effects.

NORDic is an open-source package which allows to focus on a network-oriented approach to identify regulatory mechanisms linked to a disease, to detect master regulators in a diseased transcriptomic context, to simulate drug effects on a patient through a network, and adaptively test drugs to perform sample-efficient, error-bound drug repurposing.

Indices and tables